Spine surgery specialist

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Text neck syndrome

Text Neck Syndrome Did you know that your spine is the one bearing all the weight when you're on your phone? Poor posture could cause you to carry up to 28 kilos of your own weight on your spine due to poor practice. 😱. You need to keep your neck without bending it too much [....]

juli4n2023@. October 18, 2023 No comments

Tips to improve back pain

Tips to improve back pain The return to work can cause us some discomfort in the back due to bad posturas🧑‍💻. Today I want to tell you how you can improve your routine for your wellbeing 👨‍⚕️ Do you have any doubts? Leave them in the comments. Your body needs you to understand it and listen to it, so take breaks [...]

You are concerned about scarring

You're worried about healing You're worried about healing, I know, but today I'll tell you how you can take care of your wound in the best way 👀. Read this information completely, it's important... don't forget to share it with someone in need.#health #neurosurgeon #medicine #personalcare #wellness #wellness #spine #yourvitalsport #julianzuluaga #lumbarpain #lumbartreatments #sports #exercises #healthandwellnessYourVitalSport #JulianZuluaga #LumbarPain #Neurosurgery #Spine #Scoliosis Do you have any doubts? Contact me! 📲 (+57) 305 469 6989 💻 https://drjulianzuluaga.com/ [...]

Are you afraid to exercise because you may worsen your low back disease?

Are you afraid to exercise because you can worsen your lumbar disease? Hello 👋🏻 today I want to share with you some of the exercises that are not recommended if you have discomfort or low back pain. 🩻 Remember to always validate it with your specialist. 👨‍⚕️ #health #neurosurgeon #medicine #personalcare #wellness #wellness #spine #yourvitalsupport #julianzuluaga #lumbarpain #lumbartreatments #sports #exercises #healthandwellnessYourVitalSupport #JuliánZuluaga #LumbarPain #Neurosurgery #Spine #Scoliosis Do you have any doubts? Contact me! 📲 (+57) 305 469 6989 💻 https://drjulianzuluaga.com/ Julian [...]
