Things you should know about your surgery
Things you should know about your surgery
If you recently had spine surgery, read the care you should take into account. ⚕️
Always choose the best, schedule your appointment now at the link in my profile ⬆️
Have you just had spinal surgery?
This is post-surgical care:
1- Take short walks periodically, I recommend you to be accompanied.
2- Avoid steep inclines and sudden movements.
3- Do not remain seated for long periods of time, but only for a few minutes at a time.
4- Do not make long trips in vehicles, if necessary do not go over potholes or exceed speed.
5- For your health always choose the best, schedule your appointment with me.
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Do you have any questions, contact me!
📲 (+57) 305 469 6989
💻 https://drjulianzuluaga.com/
Julian Zuluaga, your life support!