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juli4n2023@. October 18, 2023 No comments

Tips to improve back pain

Tips to improve back pain

The return to work can cause us some back discomfort due to bad posturas🧑‍💻. Today I want to tell you how you can improve your routine for your wellbeing 👨‍⚕️

Do you have any doubts? Leave them in the comments.

Your body needs you to understand and listen to it, so take active breaks and do constant stretching, if you want me to share some examples leave me a comment and I'll tell you all about it in another post.

During working hours, keep your back well supported in the chair.

Every 2 hours, change your body position and take short steps to relax your body.

Keep the screen at the level of your eyes, this will avoid overloading your neck and bending it too much.

Keep both feet with correct posture on the floor or on a footrest.

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📲 (+57) 305 469 6989
💻 https://drjulianzuluaga.com/

Julian Zuluaga, your life support!

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